Open application for closed vacancy

We hope to speak with you soon!

What an open application to Xentys can bring you

We appreciate your interest in our vacancy, but unfortunately the position has already been filled or has expired. Nevertheless, we would like to welcome you to our network in the future. We therefore invite you to fill out an open application on our website so that we can keep you informed about job openings. In addition, there are some similar positions at the bottom of this page.

How does an open application work at xentys?

Starting an open application can be a great way for those with a technical background to let us know you are open to switching jobs. We will then keep you informed of similar positions. How to get started ?

  • First, make sure your resume and cover letter reflect your relevant skills, qualifications and experience in the technical field.
  • Then submit this open application to us using the form to the right.
  • You can then get a call from one of our recruitment specialists.
  • Above all, also remain patient, as finding the right opportunity through an open application sometimes takes a little longer than applying for a specific job. At Xentys, our main goal is to make sure you are matched with the position that really suits you – so keep an open mind and let us do the work!
  • They are ready to interview you and get a better understanding of who you are and what you are looking for.

Above all, also remain patient, as finding the right opportunity through an open application sometimes takes a little longer than applying for a specific job. At Xentys, our main goal is to make sure you are matched with the position that really suits you – so keep an open mind and let us do the work!

Or view all our open positions below and find a challenge that suits you

Complete the form below for an open application to xentys.

Application form [EN]

Procurement positions starting from €60 000 per year

Looking for the ideal technical procurement positions? At you will find professional and management positions in procurement within industry, construction and offshore…. Step into the world of top procurement and discover jobs that will take your career to the next level.

View our procurement vacancies


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