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/ Services / Executive search procurement

executive search procurement

Replacement at no cost if the candidate does not meet your expectations.

We can quickly present good candidates who fit your specific procurement needs perfectly. Whether it is an interim position or a permanent position: we can always present a good solution quickly, thanks in part to our great personal dedication and short lines of communication. This is because Xentys combines local expertise and smart technology to serve you quickly. With us, you are assured of service that is focused on results and quality.

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free 15-minute consultation: 070 240 0414

We understand how important the right procurement professional is

Does your organization have a short-term need for temporary procurement capacity or the filling of a specific interim position? Then look no further. Xentys has been specializing in recruitment for procurement and supply chain positions in industry, construction and offshore since 2010. Our years of experience and dedication make us a reliable partner and ensure that we can quickly arrange an available interim professional. The procurement professionals in our database have experience in various sectors and will fully meet your expectations. Our candidates are carefully screened and selected based on their expertise and ability to perform at a high level – both nationally and internationally.

The process

In an intake meeting, which can be on-site or remote, we discuss your specific needs for a particular procurement position. We analyze your needs in order to select the right professional for you.

Potential candidates are carefully assessed by us for their specific knowledge and experience. You will receive a detailed report from us that provides full insight into the qualities of each candidate.

We then quickly present a number of candidates for your vacancy. Our focus is on a seamless fit with your organization’s needs, whether for interim logistics or strategic supply chain leaders.

We manage the process from start to finish – from consulting to placement. We work with short lines to ensure a smooth transition to a new position or work environment for both client and candidate.

Our procurement professionals

Our procurement professionals achieve success time and again thanks to their great expertise and years of experience. Examples of achievements of procurement professionals successfully placed through our network:

We are your trusted partner when it comes to the selection of professionals in the field of Supply Chain and Procurement and can relieve you of all your worries. Regardless of the position, we ensure that the right person ends up in the right place with you.

Results from our professionals

Synergy between sister companies created.

Savings of €400,000 - in one negotiation

Restoring strategic supplier relationships

Procurement processes integrated into SAP

Prepare your organization for success

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img-21Sebastian Arosemena
15:42 23 Sep 24
Sinds ik het eerste telefoontje kreeg van Xentys, waren ze erg aardig en behulpzaam en kon ik duidelijk merken dat ze wisten wat ze deden.Ik denk dat het bij recruiter niet alleen gaat om het matchen van het bedrijf met een potentiële kandidaat, maar ook om de zekerheid dat deze match duurzaam is, zodat alle partijen hiervan kunnen profiteren.Geweldige ervaring!Bedankt!
img-22R Verkleij
08:24 04 Sep 24
Ik heb een prettige ervaring gehad met het Xentys-team, waaronder zowel Aurelia als Adriaan. Ze waren zeer professioneel en behulpzaam tijdens het hele sollicitatieproces. Xentys heeft bewezen een vertrouwde partner te zijn voor veel bedrijven in de inkoopdiscipline. Aarzel daarom niet om u bij hen aan te sluiten.
img-23Martin Cheng
13:58 02 Sep 24
Ik heb een uitstekende ervaring gehad met dit eersteklas rekruteringsteam. Adriaan nam onverwachts contact met mij op en heeft mij gedurende het gehele traject gedegen begeleid. De communicatie was steeds duidelijk en efficiënt. Ik raad ze ten zeerste aan voor iedereen die op zoek is naar professionele recruiters of headhunters.
17:01 20 Aug 24
Eersteklas rekruteringsbureau met een duidelijke en pragmatische aanpak.Gebruikten hun diensten zowel als werkzoekende als als rekruteringsmanager en ze bleken een waardevolle partner te zijn.Ze hebben uitgebreide ervaring en netwerkmogelijkheden en staan ​​daarom bovenaan mijn lijst op dit gebied.
img-25Catalina Barrera
18:19 22 Jul 24
Alles was goed, ik heb een goed eerste gesprek gehad en het vervolg was erg leuk. Aurelia was zeer aanwezig bij elke stap. Ik werd niet aangenomen voor de baan, maar het proces was zeer professioneel
img-26Robert van Kleef
18:09 30 Aug 21
Deskundig en betrokken.
07:46 13 Jun 19
Ben met Xentys in contact gekomen toen ik op zoek was naar een nieuwe (werk)uitdaging. Prettig en direct contact en zeker geen 'voor jou 10 anderen' gevoel wat wat ik zeker wel kon waarderen.
img-28Jacco Laan
15:25 31 May 18
Kennis van inkopen.
img-29Ron Koster
19:52 29 Nov 17
Nette omgeving .Bezoek waardig, langs de Schie.
interim inkoper (2)

Xentys has a large network of top candidates with specialist knowledge. With us you are assured of a personal approach. Whether you are looking for specialists or generalists in the field of purchasing: through us you will find the right candidate to strengthen your organization.

Anticipate the future

Our procurement professionals can not only come up with a solution for today's challenges, but can also help you with the developments of the future. With sound expertise, they offer strategic insights that will help your company grow - even internationally. Examples of areas in which our professionals have experience include:

Drive new product developments and strategic procurement processes.

Simplifying processes and achieving efficient supply chains.

Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.

Our professionals have a proven track record of process optimization and cost savings.


Frequently Asked Questions

The selection process at Xentys begins with a comprehensive intake and thorough screening, after which a number of suitable candidates are presented to the client.

We have one of the largest networks of buyers with extensive experience in sectors such as engineering and manufacturing. As a result, we can always quickly find the right professional for your specific procurement needs.

For companies in the technical sector, we can select professionals with the right technical knowledge and management experience, who can implement processes such as supply chain optimization and LEAN methodologies, for example.

In addition to interim assignments, Xentys can also provide candidates for permanent positions that need to be filled. Thanks to a large network and years of experience, our consultants can quickly introduce the right candidates to you. Whether you are looking for a Supply Chain Manager or another position, we will help you find the right match.

Thanks to a global reach and good knowledge of international supply chains, we can also find candidates who need to operate at an international level.

Through Xentys, business owners have access to one of the largest networks of potential candidates in the Procurement & Supply Chain field. With our specific knowledge and smart technology, we quickly and effectively find the right person for your business.

Our experienced consultants have extensive expertise and can draw on a large network of professionals. This guarantees a durable match between client and candidate, based on experience, company culture and vision.

Our personal dedication and thorough assessment of both the client and the candidate creates a lasting and successful partnership.

Xentys has extensive experience in finding senior level specialists for various departments of companies, including Marketing and Customer Service. Thanks to our dynamic network and excellent market knowledge, we can quickly select suitable candidates who can meet all challenges.

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