/ Vacancies / Tactical buyer Fleet

Tactical buyer Fleet

Adriaan Brok
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A family-owned global maritime company with about 10 vessels owned and about 2,500 employees. The company focuses on offshore assignments in the areas of pipeline construction, wind farm installation, oil rig installation and removal, etc.


The team is led by the Procurement Manager who leads three teams. The tasks of these teams focus on:

  • Keeping the fleet operational
  • the offshore projects
  • procurement of NPR.

Each team has a Team Lead and in total there are 5 Tactical Buyers, 9 Contract engineers and 12 Operational Buyers.

Over the past 3 years, Procurement has made significant progress within the organization. The largest MRO commodities have been contracted, significantly reducing the number of suppliers. The rest of the organization now recognizes the added value of procurement and works well with the improvements. However, there is still much room for improvement. One example is that approximately 75% of the €80 million in consumables is still purchased from non-contracted parties.


This position focuses on procurement for the benefit of the fleet. From consumables to maintenance, parts etc. At the start, you will be responsible for a number of (sub)categories, such as spare parts and/or consumables. You analyze these categories and identify areas for improvement. You will work closely with the Technical Department who will act as your eyes and ears on the shop floor and the , who already understand the benefits of working closely with procurement.

After contracting a supplier, you will then be responsible for contract management, supplier development, supplier management, etc. In a sense, you are the account manager for your suppliers.

Based on your analyses, you can introduce significant process changes for certain categories. For example, a large-scale analysis of global procurement of medicines for the ship’s crew, taking into account local availability, regulations, etc., was recently conducted. This eventually led to the contracting of one party to handle this category worldwide, resulting in significant improvements in availability and cost.


  • HBO education and thinking level
  • NEVI I completed
  • Full-time availability
  • 3-5 years of purchasing experience
  • Command of the English language is a must, command of Dutch a plus
  • Affinity with the maritime industry


  • Salary up to €75,000/year, depending on knowledge and experience
  • 30 vacation days
  • 1 day of remote work per week (except Wednesday or Friday)
  • Bicycle Plan
  • Pension plan with 50% contribution by employer


Send your resume and cover letter to: cv@xentys.nl

For more information, please call Adriaan Brok at 070-2400414.

Adriaan Brok
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