/ Procurement Knowledge / What does Pareto mean?

What does Pareto mean?

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The name Pareto refers to Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist made famous by the 80/20 principle he formulated. This principle, also known as the Pareto principle, states that in many situations, 80% of outcomes are the result of 20% of effort. It is a way to prioritize and determine how to use time and resources most effectively. By focusing on the things that can achieve the greatest results, organizations and individuals can work more efficiently and perform better. In the context of procurement and supply chain management, the Pareto principle can help identify which suppliers and products have the greatest impact on profit and efficiency.

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The origins of the Pareto principle

Vilfredo Pareto observed in the late 19th century that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by only 20% of the population. This observation led to the formulation of the Pareto principle. Later, this principle was applied to the field of quality management by Joseph Juran, a management thinker, and quickly became popular in various business sectors.

Application of the Pareto principle in the procurement process

In the world of procurement and supply chain management, prioritization is essential. Using the Pareto principle, buyers can determine which suppliers and products require the most attention by conducting an analysis. In other words, set the right priorities. The analysis might just show that a company with about 20% of the suppliers realizes about 80% of the purchase value. If the company then identifies and starts managing these key suppliers, resources can be used more efficiently and risks reduced.

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Efficiency and productivity

The Pareto principle is not only a tool for setting priorities, but can also be used as a measure of efficiency. By focusing on the things that lead to the most results, companies can increase productivity. Allocating resources and time to the activities with the greatest impact will ensure better business results. The 80/20 ratio is not very strict, but can vary depending on the situation. The idea behind it always remains the same: a small amount of effort leads to the majority of results.

Optimization of the product range

Companies can also apply the Pareto principle to their product assortment. If, after a thorough analysis, it turns out that only a small portion of their products are responsible for most of their sales, they can optimize and promote those products. Also, the less profitable products may possibly be removed from the range or modified to better meet market demand. This will increase profitability.

We provide some examples of other areas where the principle can be applied. The first example is manufacturing defects. It is quite possible that 80% of manufacturing defects come from just 20% of production processes. By focusing primarily on improving these processes, a company can significantly increase product quality and reduce the cost of defective products. And the Pareto principle also works for complaints: when 80% of complaints are made by only 20% of customers, targeted measures can be taken to increase customer satisfaction and strengthen customer loyalty.

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Take a new step in your purchasing career

As a buyer, you are undoubtedly well acquainted with the Pareto principle. The resulting valuable insights are directly applicable in procurement and supply chain management. Many companies would like to develop strategies based on this principle that not only increase their efficiency, but also their profitability. Xentys, a recruitment agency for procurement functions, is therefore always looking for driven professionals who want to bring their knowledge in this field to our clients.

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